Theater company CTB (Braga, Portugal)

THE TABLE, a place where

The Table is a mythical place that we keep in our memory and to which we never travel. We got there and that’s it! Not for her, but for everything that provokes us, stimulates us and makes us live. It is a place of travel and reunion. With others and sometimes with ourselves. The table appeases and enhances crime and love, depending on the moment. We cannot define how many tables we sit at, but we will be able to verbalize memories of a lifetime, states of mind, ideas, reflections, feelings, definitive statements, born there. The Table is essential in our existence and affirmation. We pass by tables like a dragonfly through water lily. And we continue to fly. It matters the size of the table, where it is, how many people can fit on it … or if we really want to “bring” one more chair, depending on the circumstances. At the Table, we show more clearly who WE are. It is the Place of Life and Death, Song and Tears of Love and Silence, of celebration and tragedy, of knives and flesh, of Bread and Wine. Of Fado. The Table is definitely a stage of life where we all (actors and audiences) represent. So let’s sit down and share this piece of time,of us.

Duration: 45min.