National Academic Lesya Ukrainka Drama Theater

For the home hearth

Ivan Franko

Director: Olha Gavrilyuk

“The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” This criminal story was created by Ivan Franko based on real scandalous court cases that took place in Lviv at the end of the 19th century. Even then, the public was shocked by its immorality, as the main criminals in the story belonged to the upper social circle. Franko delved into the psychological depths of the motives behind human actions that contradicted the general norms of society. For us, the modern resonance of this story also coincides with the main character’s return from war to his family, his beloved wife and children.

Once, by choosing love, Anelya and Antin built their family hearth, their family circle, in which both were happy. But over time, during Antin’s five-year absence, everything changed. He faces “the condemnation of the crowd and the specter of mediocrity.” The society for which he sacrificed his life began to condemn him for unknown reasons. But Anelya, his beloved wife, assures Antin of her loyalty and devotion until the end. When the whole truth is revealed, both must make a fateful decision. A person is responsible for each of their actions in life, sooner or later. Sometimes it’s too late.

The play includes scenes with smoking, artificial smoke, and loud noises, including gunshots.


Duration: 2h 20min.